
Strange Religions of Man & the true pagan, the Scientist

So it is said over and over increasingly today as in the article and video linked below. For whatever reasons, the religious are dwindling in number, especially Christdom, and nonreligious of all make and model are surging in number even if a few of the old abrahams like Islamabama and pseudo religious movements of any shape and form surge forward in numbers on and off.  Truth baby, truth.

Try to keep things in perspective context though, because most cannot. I sometimes have a helluva time myself doing it, and I try hard to do it. So I know how difficult it can be to achieve.  The vast majority of people I know or have met, simply do not even try past their own selfish reasons.  Houston, we have a problem.

If you think the nonsensical horseshit about the invisible imaginary man in the sky, or God as actually being real in general is a buncha bull, and the data confirms this so it must be true.  Brother Todd has news for you. 

What you or I either one believe does not mean fuck. What is real does. 

Religion in general is a bane to mankind.  God=religion or religion=God though is not the reality of the situation. Perhaps in yours or other's mind as in what you believe, but what did I say about what you or I "believe".   I will get deep into that river on my next post here on the A&R Report and in a future zine. A little dab of what I will be preaching about in that zine, relative to this, no need to even reach, follows the article linked below. Enjoy!


Via the Zuck: https://www.facebook.com/ajax/sharer?appid=586254444758776&s=100&u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.pbs.org%2Fnewshour%2Fnation%2Fwhite-christians-now-minority-u-s-population-survey-says
Todd West God has nothing to very little to do with religion. It is far easier, more compliant so to speak, with reality, to know "God" through science. Scientists are the TRUE pagans when the word pagan is used to mean "of the earth" or "natural state" which is the term's original literal meaning. Because all they do at the core is from and by the natural state. Literally. Yet that word Pagan to many has been relegated to mean some kind of religion or belief in the occult, witches, vikings, ye ancient beliefs of old, whatever. literal meanings do matter, yet religion=God is a false statement, it will just not compile & compute. And no religion, belief or even faith to a large degree, literally, realistically represents God. To come to know God you must come to experience the entity, to learn of it's passion and power.  To have knowledge and understanding of reality. To do that, start by going outside and look around at every natural thing that is not from or by man's creation. How is that possible? How was it created. It is such wonder, such magic in a true spiritual kinda way. Yet Pure Science, and even an even Purer God. Start there, outside in the real world, literally, the natural state, to begin to understand, even comprehend, GOD.
Rock on.

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