
Box Of Green Tea

Mom and Dad brought me by a load of Groceries on one of their last times Mom could drive and they came by my house, prob about fall of 2014, not long after I'd moved in here. This unopened box of green tea was in that sack of groceries, I vaguely remember putting it up in the back of the cabinet.

There is sat, lost behind some big bottles of pepper, garlic salt and what not. Under a big bag of tea lights. Forgotten really, because I've bought a few boxes of green tea since then when I thought I was out and figured I'd used this box. I'd looked for it few times before I bought more.....I "thought" Dad brought me a box last time he and Mom came here. Just figured I'd used it years ago.

Until today. Just so happened I was out of green tea and went looking deep in the cabinets. There it was. Guess it was just a coincidence on the eve of father's day here, already father's day other side of the world.....

Nah. That's not how the cosmos works. Spirit of the 'ol man lives on and was round n about, helping out, saying hello. Reminding me in a simple, symbolic way of his love and caring heart.

Love and miss you Dad! Happy Father's Day everyone, World Wide!

Dad enjoying a hamburger at his last family reunion, fall 2015

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