
Whatever happened to JoeJoe Brown?

I think I kinda know.


I've known JoeJoe (not his real name but I call a lotta rabbit hole stuff JoJo) a long time, way B4 internet time. He was a friend on at least three of my online social media accounts. I see today he has removed himself from those lists and blocked me.

While that's nothing peeps come and go, block & talk shit 24/7/365, I kinda saw it coming. About a year and a half ago I seen his wife @ Zaxby's in Cville. She kept staring at me and I knew I knew her I never forget a face. I'd only met her a time or two. I guess they'd been married last 10 or 15. Up till that time @ the chicken joint I probably hadn't seen JoeJoe & fam 3-4 years since I'd moved from Aville. Finally she came over and asked if I was Todd.

After some how-ya-been-doin' s I asked how the 'ol man was, she said he was in the nut house after he lost his mind over the holidays a while back. She'd had to get a restrainin' order too cause he'd started threatening her to back off when he was in a fit and tearing the house up. She said they'd had some knock down drag outs till he tried chocking her to death and she had to knock his ass out with a bottle to get him off her. I asked WTF happened and she said I knew about his hearing shit and thinking people were following him...

No I didn't. I reminded her it'd been years so she filled me in. We got our food had a seat and she talked for almost the next two hours.

Apparently my 80's friend has paranoid delusional disorder which has just came about, dude is about four five years older than me, so the cat is late on the typical onset of madness. Though we all know yer mind can go at anytime with or without reason. She said he started hearing shit like motorcycles and three wheelers riding up and down the street and thinking people were in cars a street over sitting there running their motors and revving up to fuck with him. She said a few times he got up in the middle of the night and went out looking for the pranksters.

She said what was wild was sometimes she'd hear it too. Like trucks idling or going up a never ending hill.....I told her remember back around 2012 I was at a party at their house talking about the hum (thehum(dot)info) which is microwave resonance peeps are tuning in on and it's driving them into an insomniac hell? Yeah she said. It sounded to her like someone blowing air over an open bottle, a kind of wooooo.....woooo. Woo woo exactly I told her. Or rrrrr...rrrrr.

We then off on that subject cause she's still hearing it, her kids are now too and they all think the government is watching them. I didn't go into stuff about The Eye cause best not to go too deep & real on fresh peeps. I do remember though JoeJoe & fam were not about any "conspiracy" stuff. I'd been laughed at and told I was crazy back in the day @ their party and whenever I'd mention resonance or Big Bro runnin' apps n social programs. But this type of turn of events I see happening more and more.....I keep tellin' folks but they don't listen till they can't hear anything else long after I'm not around talking 'bout it any more......

She said it got so bad he'd called the law to file an harassment complaint and they hooked him up with a counsellor who then started sending him to a doctor who had him on all kinds of dope. She said it got worse he was hearing them talking to him when he'd hear the sound. I told her that was interesting that there was probably an hallucination of the mind though I do know peeps who swear V2K is being run their ass 24/7 by satellites. implants and everything else. My dogs up @ Ft. Meade got a machine and to me it sounds like mother fuckers yelling in a canyon way off. Scream and shout into that thing and I could see where it'd fuck with people, hard.......

You hear it? I asked. She said she heard the ultra low vibration sound all the time but never any voices. Coulda been those meds he was on I told her. While they do help some with voices in their heads like all drugs if you treat symptoms you don't have which are helped by the drug, often taking that drug will give you those symptoms. Wild how that works....

Why didn't JoeJoe holler @ me I asked her, I was at the time still on his Facebook friends list? Embarrassed she said and that later on after a while he thought I was the one probably doing it, that I was working with the law trainin' and providing them with the know-how to do it.

WTF? I was stunned. While not the first time I have been accused of being the law, I get that quite often, nor that I'm mischief making with machines, it's still kinda weird to hear that. Comical at this point. Really? Dude definitely had lost his mind.

Anyways Christmas couple years ago it came to a head he got on this gangstalking kick and said they were following him. She said JoeJoe knew it was the illuminati and that they were after them cause he knew their secrets and everyone who knew those things were monitored. They'd had an incident someone cut them off on the interstate and JoeJoe'd chased them down, got into an altercation and had to be restrained by five-o. Completely fucked Christmas with her family up.

I asked her where all this had taken place because I'd heard something about some guy goin wacko and giving someone a beat down on the interstate after gettin' cut off but I wasn't sure if it was in Bartow or where...

No it was in Alerbamer she said. Some car had followed them from their house in Acworth JoeJoe said and he'd lost it when supposedly that same car had cut them off. He thought they were stalking him trying to harm his family.

As someone who has been stalked by all kinds of characters I can tell you it's usually not the illuminati. It's usually law dogs or some variation of that species when done in an official capacity if not the X or some kinda psychopath. Aggravated gangstalking brought to you by the patriot act applied through the state machine spying apparatus is the biggest problem our country faces right now. Bigger even than Rocketman or Papa Bear.

But most people glaze over quick if you ain't talkin' bout the ball game or politics fed to them by the propaganda ministry. If they haven't heard it on the news it ain't real. All that internet stuff is fake news sez Trump so that's the end to it. God has spoken.

So that's when he got sent to a hospital I asked. No she said that was a bit later he took off w/ his shotgun gonna find out who the asshole racing the truck up and down the streets all night was cause he was tired of it. Couple streets over neighbours called the law, they've had encounters with this man before, he's supposed to be on medication, he has a weapon, it's 2:30 in the morning cold as a mofo and this dude is barefoot, in shorts w/ no shirt on, And he is hallucinating. They figured drugs.

JoeJoe never even smoked the reefer 'cept I hit one with him @ the Van Halen show in 84 cause that's what you did at the Van Halen show in 84. Besides booze and this new revelation about the psych meds, never knew the man to be high, but I'd seem him caboozled a time or two over the years with JOhnny & Jack.

Now what's going to happen? I asked her.

His Doctor thought he needed to go into an intense program she said. She'd had to sign some papers and he'd been so damned pissed off after he told her he wanted a divorce he'd quit talking to her for a while. It was so many months and his doctor would have to sign off for him to leave the program or the limit on how long they could keep him mandatory in their program runs out.

Wow. That's fucked up I thought.

Tell him to holler at me I told her. She said yeah she didn't know whether to talk to me or not. I told her I wasn't doing the stalkin' or pullin' the shit. Yeah she said her & JoeJoe both agreed I wasn't the problem.

Well glad to know that I told her.

Never did hear from JoeJoe. Guess he changed his mind for whatever reasons cause he's dismissed and locked me out. Lotsa folks run from people N things they bunch in w/ times they first hear about bad things when reality sets in hard. Even if they knew them for a long time before hand. Like JoeJoe when the insanity comes in through the door and it's not how they thought things would be, they lose it and even old friends can become enemies in their delusional throes of madness.

I can't help that. The World is a crazy place.

Peace, Luv & The Underground,
