
A word to the wise

As a victim of gangstalking for decades, I'm not one to ask an opinion of the social unrest, for if I was to be unbiased I'd be a complete damned fool.  I can however, be honest as a motherfucker.

First, I don't condone killin' in cold blood, ambushin' and/or terrorizin' somehow....done by anyone.

Second, you cannot insert blanket descriptions or apply opinions onto situations which cannot be objective without being blatantly politically correct or incorrect.

So I stay away from social media posts about all this.

However, I don't lick boots, tow anyone's line, nor kiss anyone's ass. This is NOT a race thing.  I don't care what color you are, or claim to be, we ALL get the treatment and it's got like this because people take "sides" and make wide-ranging assertions based on their opinions.  I go 100% by EXPERIENCE.

Now this is the tough part....

I understand someone who feels hunted, for I have been.  If you are hunting me, or seek to rule or control me, I am not going to be friendly, because I am a free person, not some description of a servant, surf, or citizen which you somehow, either by your decree or by someone else's, have power over.

We got to where we are because people cannot control their anger, opinions and wants. This is on BOTH and all sides.  That is very hard for someone, and most, to understand.

That's why I don't take sides, because my experience will make me jaded. I can "understand" how people feel, and support some opinions, but I am not the one to ask about social problems which did not start with the individual. 

Your society is a mess, based on forced compliance, and that's regardless if you are a lawman or a criminal. My time here not only do I see this, know this very well, but I see both sides, and take neither.  Your systems must change, and that change starts with the individual.

Otherwise, the little animals known as humans, shall fail.

So if you don't like black folks, white folks, cops, or whomever, here is some good advice.

Live and let live.  We're all on this little bitty, very fragile planet, whose life, as well as each of our own, is so very, very fragile.

Time to reduce the foot print of institutionalization over your society, and that means to recognize forced compliance, and seek to remove as much of it as possible, and you cannot do that by threatening, pointing a gun, making accusations or refusing to be honest because you are biased.

You do that by using your mind, your will to work together, and using empathy instead of picking fights and taking sides, when both those sides rely on forced compliance to control.

The main trouble is, and once again this is NOT my opinion, but from my experience in 50 years of being here, is that people are stupid. I suggest you try this, and see if it works:


rant over....