

Excellent pdf on EHS, one of the best I've seen. This is probably the #1 unaddressed health problem in the United States. I've predicted more people will seek disability from EHS in the coming decades than any one thing else. You have 20% of your general population affected right away. Long term exposure will dispose another 20-30% to long term health problems. When half your general population suffers from a synthetic environment put in place for whatever purposes, telling all those people it's in their heads is not going to work much longer.....too many neurological problems and cancers point right at blanket RF 24/7. Enjoy your wireless! Lawyers are going to have a field day......
Olga Sheean a former employee of the World Health Organization in Geneva and now a resident of Vancouver, has written a wonderfully articulate and passionate letter to Gregor Robertson, Mayor of that city, about electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS) and the dangers of WiFi proliferation. An excerpt follows and the complete letter is attached.
Our goal is to help this go viral so please pass it on to your friends, physicians, and local, state and federal government officials.
“Although being exposed to harmful radiation without one’s consent and beyond one’s control is clearly a violation of one’s human rights, it’s hard to determine just how many of those rights are being violated. There’s the right to equal opportunity, the right to sustain a livelihood, the right to access all the services and amenities available to non-EHS citizens, the right to good health, the right to live in a safe environment, the right to choose whether to be exposed to harmful radiation and maybe even the right to exist, given the foregoing. It might even be considered a denial of our very humanity, given our natural reaction to radiation and the body’s inevitable tipping point of
intolerance for the ever-escalating levels. We all have tipping points of intolerance—…”